Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's been a while...

Hey y'all. Sorry, it's been a while.  We've been really busy, busy, busy around here.  First off, we had Lola and my sister in law up last week - for a week of scrapbook and sewing fun!  We had a good time, but unfortunately, it was a LONG drive there and back (3 1/2 hours oneway). Right now, we are actually as I type this, in Alabama visiting the hub's fam (parents, sister, bro in law, nephews).  Today, we had a really yummy oh-so-easy to make tortilla pie/casserole for my MIL's birthday, followed by a chocolate steam cake. Then, this evening, my brother in law and I both got roped into this LLLOOOONNNGGGG game of LIFE - *yawn* - seemed to last for-ever!  I ended up with only $865,000.  Sounds good, huh? Not so much.  Everyone else had $1.8 million to $2.2 million....oh well, I didn't want to play anyway.  But I was the po-po - I got $5,000 every time anyone spun a "10".  My MIL paid me A LOT!  We'll be here until Wednesday night and then we fly back home.  Thursday and Friday will be a whirlwind of cleaning, unpacking, cleaning, grocery shopping, and cleaning.  My parents are flying out to see us on Friday nite.  Lulu and I will go and pick them up at the airport.  Woohoo!!  So, poor little Lulu is gonna have 3 weeks straight of spoilage!!  She's certainly gonna stink to high-heaven when we're done!!  I have a lot of shopping trips to post, but I left my receipts at home.  So, I'll post those later.

I also have exciting news!  My church has decided to start a "branch" of Angel Food Ministry and I volunteered to be the head of the committee.  I"M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!  You should check them out at:   https://www.angelfoodministries.com/    They actually just help provide good, quality food at reasonable prices.  ANYONE can order and utilize this great ministry - if you eat, you qualify!!  More to follow...


My mama and I are working on getting stuff together for a kitchen set and tea set for little Lulu.  She'll probably get it next year for Christmas.  I found this cute little tea set at Once Upon a Child for $6.50.
Actually, I saw it a couple of visits and just didn't have the money to get it.  As soon as I did, I zoomed down and bought it.  I think it's a steal!!  It even came with a clear plastic bag (upper left hand corner).  All dishes needed for a Mommy and Me Tea Date - complete with tea bags, spoons, and cake.  However, the single, lone slice of cake presents a problem - enter FELT and FABRIC FOOD FRENZY.  I have been downloading pictures off the internet - blogs, patterns, etsy shops - like crazy!!  Also, Grandma Cookie gave me a cute (even if REALLY old school) pattern for sewn veggies.  I also found one at Hobby Lobby on sale (99cents) - cakes, cupcakes, fruits and veggies - even has a recycle/reusable shopping bag!  So, FELT AND FABRIC FOOD FRENZY is ON!!
Here are the first of the goodies I've made - no pattern - just "made it up" - which happens more often than not with my stuff!

More to come.....



  1. Hey, we do Angel Food at our church too! You know, we used to live down the street from their main warehouse when we lived in Monroe. It's a great ministry and especially now, it will be a lot of help to families who need it!

    That's awesome that your parents are headed out there. I know they miss the grandbaby... oh, and y'all too. I hope to get out there one day to see you guys before we head off to Italy! Are you coming back to GA anytime soon?

    P.S. The fabric food is adorable!

  2. actually, yes i am...should be back sometime in sept-oct and then again in jan!!
