I recently joined Weight Watchers- like a month and a half ago. I had decided enough is enough!! I need to lose weight and I need to start yesterday, er um, now! So I joined for free-savings of about $30. I now pay $39.99 a month so I can have online access (which you can do alone and save more money) AND I get to go to the weekly meetings. I know, I'm a dork! I don't know anyone there and few are younger than my mom, but there's just something to be said about being accountable to those people! I mean even Lulu gets on the scale!
I used to go to the meetings in the town we just moved from, but it us now an hour and 15 minute drive-one way! We have had to cut back on that- even though I went and stayed up that way all day (sewing at Shenandoah), but whew!! That took lots of money and we just don't have it here lately. Know what I mean, jelly bean?!? So, Lulu and I went to our first meeting in the next town over- they have a SUPER Wal-Mart (I'm not bitter, I'm not bitter) and a Home Depot and a Lowe's, but alas after driving around in a circle a couple of times (thanks to my 2010 garmin) NO Wendy's-boo!! {{side note: Lulu and I have come to really like Wendy's and we can eat well (not to mention cheap-hello!) on weight watchers,even. Yum yum!}} Oh well, we're getting a new travel center exxon in our little town and it is supposed to come with a 'major food chain' restaurant so we're praying it'll be Wendy's (agree with us, would ya?!?).
Well, since I have been on WW, I have lost a total of 8 pounds in 5 short weeks - and one of those weeks the hubs took me to Cheesecake Factory for our 5th anniversary! (and I didn't even use all my points for the week!!)
This week, I started a new program with some women at the church I go to called C25K-the program, not the church! It stands for "couch potato to 5K". It trains you to be able to jog/run a 5K (3.1 miles) in 9 weeks-3 days a week. To check it out, go here. Come on, get off the couch and train with me!!
Yesterday was fine! I jogged and walked with not much problem. I woke up today and was great except a little soreness when I moved or stretched a certain way. Today was difficult - especially the running/jogging part. Now, I'm SORE all over, but that just means it's working...right?!? So, ibuprofen tonight for me!! But, I will not stop, oh, no, not me! I'm doing this!!!
A big shout out to my pastor's wife, Mrs Diane, for keeping Lulu (along with her 2 yr old grandson too) so Tiah (Leo's mama) and I could walk with the "big people" - I mean that by maturity, not age or weight!! And a big shout out to Luc (Leo's daddy) for keeping the kiddos tonight. Starting next week, we're all gonna be one big happy family out there walking and running!!! woo hoo!
I'll keep ya posted!! Nite y'all!!
PS-Oh, pray for my friend Tiah, she needs some heavy healing in her family. Also, a coworker of the hubs, Tony, asked for prayer for an unspoken. And for us, as we're trying our best to give Lulu a little brother or sister! :)
I'm proud of you, cuz! Keep up the good work! Wish you lived closer so we could exercise together!